Bike Riders

Safety first. This article is very dangerous to read without fully safety equiptment or at least a helmet. I wont be responsible for any injuries that cause to anybody who read this article. If you are already using helmet, you can continue reading this article. If you still didn't use your helmet please use it, since this article can caused serious injuries without a safety equipment.

Now try to hit your head, is it pain? If you didn't feel any pain then your helmet is safe to use and if you still can feel the pain that mean you need to change your helmet.

Thats why we need to use helmet before reading this article to let all the bikers know that helmet is important! Please use safety equipment when you are riding.

And sorry if you feel angry with me, I apologies for this not funny at all article.

Actually im smiling right now :) imagine if somebody really use a helmet reading this article. Lols.