The Cursed Clown
The Cursed Clown

Uncle Jack was well known in town back in the day. He had lots of money, and he was loved by the ladies. Most of his money, and thus his ladies, he got from unprincipled acts. Uncle Jack would 'take possession' of certain items that were not formerly his own, and would sell them to awaiting patrons, who were just as underhanded as he was.
Uncle Jack was also well known for another reason. He had the 'evil eye', or so people believed.
The notion of his evil eye started after a school brawl with the big bad "Nelson the bully". You see, after Nelson finished pummeling Uncle jack to a pulp, Uncle Jack got up, dusted himself off, wiped the blood from his lip and stared at Nelson. As the story goes, every kid in the onlooking crowd could feel a chill as Uncle Jack said,"Nelson, I will seek my revenge, and NO ONE will be there to help you."
The next day, Nelson did not show up at school. Uncle Jack maintained until the day he died, that he 'had no recollection of what happened to that scum bag'.
Anyway, back to the story. I was Uncle Jack's favorite niece. Actually, I was his ONLY niece, but that is beside the point.
He helped plan my 7th birthday party. He wanted to go all out, as he had just made a 'big sale'. The cake was huge, there were helium balloons, (that was a big deal back then) and a pony ride. He hired Sidney the clown to make balloon animals and entertain.
All was going as planned, and Sidney the clown showed up. Apparently, Sidney had a bit of a booze problem, because he arrived completely sloshed. He staggered around the yard a bit, and muttered some unintelligible gabble. He then ran into the table, knocking over the overly decorated cake, and bounced into the fence that was surrounding Petey the pony. One piece of the fence fell, and Petey went cantering down the street. On his way, Petey trampled on the helium balloons, popping most of them, and scaring all the kids at my party. Uncle Jack hit the ground at the noise.
Once everyone regained their composure, Uncle Jack got red in the face. He was very disconsolate that the party was ruined.
Uncle Jack looked at the discombobulated Sidney and stated " I will seek my revenge, and NO ONE will be there to help you."
No one ever seen Sidney the Clown again. Uncle Jack said he must have skipped town after the embarrassment. I myself, am not so sure.