Young Earning Method
Young Earning Methods |
Well, one day my dad wanted me to stop being a lazy bum and do something to make some money. Well the word money really got me into it. My dad gave me the idea to start by selling suckers at school because every kid likes suckers. But first we thought it would be a good idea to ask of my 4th grade teacher if it was OK for me to sell suckers at school so we wouldn’t waste all that money on suckers. My teacher said it would be fine. I told him I would be selling them at recess shortly.
A couple days later, my dad took me to the store Costco and we went to the candy isle. My dad was willing to buy me a pack of suckers that had 100 Tootsie Pop suckers in it that cost $9.99 per box plus tax. He just required that I pay him back from the money I earned selling the suckers first before I took any money. At least he didn’t charge me any interest.
One cool thing that Costco does with all of their candy on the price tag they tell you exactly how much you are paying for each piece of candy or candy bar. So you will know how much you need to charge to make a profit. For example the price tag for the suckers said they were less than 10 cents per sucker. I knew I had to charge more than 10 cents a sucker to make money. After doing the math with my dad, I figured out that I could more than double my money if I charged $0.25 per sucker. I could have probably gotten more than a quarter per sucker but I was testing this out. I even gave a special offer that if you bought 4 you would get one free.
I asked my dad exactly how we were going to sell suckers at school when school is a place to learn math, science, and all that crap. Well, my dad said that at recess, I could bring my backpack outside with the suckers inside of it, and instead of yelling at the top of my lungs on the play set ” who wants suckers” I just went up to people and just ask them if they would like to buy a sucker.
Well on the first day only 1 or 2 people bought a sucker which is fortunate because I didn’t expect any one to have money when they didn’t know that I had suckers to sell. But after that day, more and more people knew about me having suckers to sell so more and more people brought money to buy them from me. I know that I at least made $0.75 a day. Eventually lots and lots of kids at my school bought suckers. I almost ran out of them so I decided to save them. A couple days later our neighborhood had a yard-sale and I almost sold the rest of the suckers there.
My overall plan when I started this was to sell out my first box of suckers, pay my dad back and then take the rest of the profits ($14) to buy more suckers. Then when I sold the next box I would be able to keep the $14 profit and still buy more suckers. I would just continue to do that until I had enough money to buy whatever I wanted.
One of the important things I learned is the value of having what my dad calls a golden goose. I had a friend who loved candy and he came to school with $5.00. I sold him $5.00 worth of suckers that day. If you can find people that will buy a big amount of your product because they love it so much, it makes getting a profit a lot easier.
Anyway, if you really wanted to keep on earning money, I guarantee that if you really tried, you could make $100.00 by just simply following the plan I had for an idea for you.