

Several years ago I had reason to have a very big fall out with a friend. For a year we did not speak, which I instigated I guess because I felt I was the victim. One day I was sat at my laptop and I got a profound feeling wash over me urging me to simply 'forgive'. It was all rather impulsive, but I sent her a message immediately and said that I forgave her, and could we just leave it in the past. She replied quickly and within a few hours we were talking as if nothing had happened.
Doing this relieved me of a feeling of great sadness that I had felt for all the year we were not speaking. I felt unburdened.
Now fast forward, and several times since that situation, I have had reason to have to decide whether to forgive people or not. It hasn't proved so easy or natural. My inner voice has not given me the nudge like it did before.
I keep reading about forgiveness and how important it is for peace of mind, and that not forgiving can actually eat away at the victim which is counter-productive. Trouble is, where do you draw the line? I can relate to it feeling terribly negative, but how do you decide when you are simply being a pushover and when you are being sensible and logical?