West Virginia
Many of you may not know but West Virginia has made a gradual then hard turn from Blue to Red politically. With that comes the waves of change. These waves can come as welcoming progress and betterment for the common good or they can be a tsunami that uproots all forward thinking and sets a group of people back in time.In recent weeks the new regime at the State Capitol has sent shock waves through the working class and many of those who voted for so called "change." The GOP won a majority of seats but on campaign promises and ideas that have seemed to disappear along with the former Democratic Majority.
The WV GOP spoke of jobs and bringing prosperity to the Mountain State. Revitalizing industry and resurrecting infrastructure all while creating better systems to make West Virginia more accessible to the world and vice versa. But, half way through the 2015 Legislative Session all we have seen is a polarizing abortion legislation that does little but to appease the West Virginians for Life, an assault on wages by threatening to repeal the minimum wage increase and also create "right to work" laws that will lower competitiveness of wages and benefits, while taking a further strike at the coal miners whose pensions that have already been targeted by the coal barons and greedy Wall Street criminals. If that does not take it far enough they are aiming to eliminate prevailing wage which will only lower the already low median income of this state that sits at a petty $36,000 or so.
Progress has further been averted by way of a Charter School bill that would take public school funds and allocate them to private entity operated schools that do no have public open enrollment and that do not adhere to state or federal BOE standards. Top that off with a Law that reduces clean water regulations with less than a year passing since a major chemical spill effected over 300,000 residents and turned off usable running water for over 2 weeks. To add insult to injury they are working on legal reform law that would limit the states ability and individuals abilities to sue companies like Freedom and American Water who were the culprits of the incident and cover up that contaminated the drinking water. Also said bill would exonerate folks like Don Blankenship, the coal baron over the UBB mine disasters that killed dozens in the state of WV.
It's a New Day in West Virginia...they say as coal fades out so will the lights... I do not think we will have to wait that long in the Mountain State... the new regime has switched the lights off on us, so we cannot see them rob us blind of our liberty and our rights as citizens.
We need leaders of free minds not those who abuse power by attempting to turn the masses to nothing more than sheep... the fight to keep the American Dream alive hinges on a strong generation of selfless leaders.