Some Facts About Your Body
Some Facts About Your Body
The human body is a fascinating marvel and it's amazing to learn some
of the things you wouldn't normally consider. Did you know:
- The bones in your body are not white - they range in color from
beige to light brown. The bones you see in museums are white because
they have been boiled and cleaned.
- If all your DNA is stretched out, it would reach the moon 6,000 times.
- We do not actually see with our eyes - we see with our brains. The eyes are basically the cameras of the brain.
- Like a fingerprint, every person has a unique tongue print.
- The liver is the larges of the body's internal organs. The skin is the body's largest organ.
- The tallest nation in the world are the Watusis people of Burundi - 6'6" tall.
- A person remains conscious for eight seconds after decapitation.
I realize that last one is gross and to think a dragster takes less
time to run it's race, is scary. The human body is quite amazing.